Garden Maintenance on July 31 at  the Alex Community Food Centre

Sending a huge thank you to our members who volunteered to do the garden maintenance, a.k.a. weeding, at the Alex Community Food Centre (CFC) on a beautiful sunny day, Monday, July 31! 

After postponing the event on July 24th due to hot weather and smoke, most of the original volunteers came out one week later, shored up by a few replacements for those who couldn't make it with the postponement. Many thanks go to Sarah, Jennie, Colleen, Richard, Rosalynn, John, Pat, Judy and Denise. Thanks to Leanne, the Garden Coordinator at The Alex CFC for showing us around. The weeds were plentiful, and this dedicated and enthusiastic group was determined to remove as much as possible! The Alex CFC treated us to a home made lunch after the work was done... or done enough for the day. 

We couldn't finish the whole yard, but we left with an offer to return and with the idea of setting up a regular monthly date during the gardening season to get out and help the Alex CFC keep their garden and yard in good order. We will put more thought into this and if it flies, watch for future Evites about this new ongoing opportunity for our members who like to putter in garden spaces, those who want to give gardening a try, for meeting up with old and making new friends, and for a good cause in our Calgary community! 

See you again! 
Denise Burzminski, Volunteer Coordinator for the Shell Oiltimers Club.

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