Club News

July 25, 2024 - Highwood Golf Course
An invitation has been sent to members. Please find details in the Member section.

July 18, 2024 - Many thanks to those who came out to volunteer at Camp Bonaventure!
The Camp looks like a great place for kids and lots of opportunity for our club to help. Thank you to the 12 volunteers who managed to build bird houses, make good progress on the new greenhouse and complete lots of weeding and watering of their gardens, all in a mornings work! Photos can be can be found in the Member section.

July 5 - Broadway Across Canada Update - Beetlejuice Added to Corporate Online Offer!
Details can be found in the Members 'Events and Activities' section.

July 6 - Chinook Club Update - Current Promotions
Details can be found in the Members 'Events and Activities' section.

May 14, 2024 - Hiking Season 'Meet and Greet'
The hiking season was kicked off at Cochrane Ranche on May 14. We had over 60 attendees who were briefed on the plans for future outdoor activities, including enhanced safety procedures and everyone then enjoyed walking the local trails, learning about local history and catching up with fellow hikers.

May 13, 2024 - Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Close to 150 former colleagues joined us at the Croatian Canadian
Cultural Centre to hear an update on the Shell Mobility business from Kent Martin and Gerard Emblem.  And SOTC president Phil Walker provided an informative update on past year activities and upcoming events. Many thanks to those who took the time to join us!

Stage West Dinner Theatre Matinee "Beautiful" - May 1,2024
76 members enjoyed a wonderful lunch and show! See photos in the Member section.